The 11th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012 2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第11回国際セミナー(通算 第69回国際セミナー) 日時:2012年7月5日(木)16:30-17:30 場所:名古屋大学工学部8号館2階土木系会議室(210号室)    (8号館へのアクセスは をご覧ください.) 講演者:Matthew G. Karlaftis先生(国立アテネ工科大学准教授) 講演題目:Short Term Traffic and Travel Time Forecasting: Objectives, Methods, Future Directions (交通所要時間の短期予測:目的,方法と将来動向) 講演概要:In the last two decades, the growing need for short-term prediction of traffic parameters embedded in a real-time intelligent transportation systems environment has led to the development of a vast number of forecasting algorithms. Despite this, researchers rarely have a clear view regarding the various requirements involved in modeling short term traffic flow. We examine developments in the field by separating short-term traffic forecasting into its three basic aspects: determination of scope, data quality, and core modeling. We critically discuss several interactions between the above parameters and offer an approach that can be used as a framework for developing successful short-term traffic and travel time forecasting models. 講演言語:英語 連絡・問い合わせ先:名古屋大学 山本俊行(